Abdominal pain, or stomach pain, usually refers to the pain that is felt in the abdomen (anywhere between the chest and groin area). Inflammation, stretching or distension of an organ in the abdominal cavity, or loss of blood supply to an organ can cause abdominal pain. But, abdominal pain can sometimes occur without any obvious cause.
If your pain persists over time, you have chronic abdominal pain. Some of the common chronic conditions are:
- Adhesion Colic
- Chronic pancreatitis
- Irritable bowel syndrome
Adhesion colic
Adhesion colic is a form of chronic pain arising from movement of parts of the intestines which have partially “stuck” together, due to scar tissues that form as the body heals after an operation in the abdomen. It may occur after a relatively simple operation like an appendectomy, or after more major surgery like removal of the uterus or part of the intestine. People who have adhesion colic that is severe and recurrent often also have nervous systems that are over sensitive, resulting in pain from even normal bowel movements. In most cases, the attacks of colic are short lived; however, some may be very severe and prolonged and may be associated with other problems like vomiting. If the vomiting is persistant and there is constipation and swelling of the abdomen, you may need to see your doctor to make sure that you do not have intestinal obstruction. However in most cases, the attacks of colic are not dangerous and will subside after a while.
Many people with adhesion colic learn how to manage episodes of colic using non-drug techniques. However, in some people their pain levels may be very high and attacks may occur very often. In these cases, treatment with strong pain killers may be necessary – these include morphine-like drugs like tramadol, morphine and methadone which should be taken orally on a regular basis in order to prevent attacks of colic. Going for injections of pain killers only when there is strong pain is usually not a good idea as this is a short term solution for a chronic problem; with time, you will require higher doses of the pain medication, and you may find yourself going for injections more frequently.
Chronic pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, a gland in the body that is responsible for making insulin and helping with the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. C hronic pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes attack and destroy the pancreas and nearby tissues. Chronic pancreatitis may occur after repeated attacks of acute pancreatitis, and may be due to excessive alcohol intake, injury, infection, excess iron in the blood and other unknown factors.
People with chronic pancreatitis have chronic pain which can vary in intensity from mild to severe. It often radiates through the back, tends to be constant and can last from hours to days. Painkillers used to manage pancreatic pain vary from simple analgesics like paracetamol, to opioids (morphine-like drugs) including tramadol, morphine or methadone. Antidepressant medications may also be used if there is any indication of nerve-related pain. Pancreatic enzymes taken as supplements may also help. In some cases, surgery to remove part of or the whole pancreas may relieve the pain either partially or fully, but nerve blocks and injections of pain-killers like pethidine are not useful as they offer only temporary pain relief, and the pain will invariably recur.
As for all other forms of chronic pain, self management techniques like relaxation and other psychological techniques are equally important in ensuring that the person with chronic pancreatitis is able to continue to live a normal life despite the continuing pain.
Irritable bowel syndrome
The muscle movement that passes food through the digestive tract is called motility. When you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the normal motility of the digestive tract is disrupted. Motility may speed up, slow down, or become irregular. If stool passes too quickly through the colon, this can result in loose and watery stool (diarrhoea). On the other hand, stool that passes too slowly can become hard and dry (constipation). Also, stool and gas may back up and cause painful pressure and cramping.
The common symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, bloating or gas, diarrhoea, constipation, continued feeling of stool in the bowel after a bowel movement, and mucus in stools. IBS symptoms can be triggered when you are under stress, eating certain foods or drinks, taking certain medications, or smoking. Some women get IBS symptoms just before or during their periods.
The diagnosis of IBS is made after ruling out other conditions causing the same conditions. There is no cure for IBS. Your doctor may prescribe one or more medications to help relieve your symptoms and regulate your digestive tract movement. As some medications may worsen your IBS, take only the medications that your doctor has prescribed for you. You may also need to modify your lifestyle (eg, diet and stress management) to help control your IBS.
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